
CEPT Workshop on Machine-to-Machine Communications (M2M)

23 Mar 2016, 10:35

The ECC held a CEPT Workshop on Machine-To-Machine Communications (M2M) on 21-22 March 2016 in Mainz, Germany (hosted by the Federal Network Agency). 134 participants from national regulatory authorities, industry representatives, experts and professionals attended the workshop to discuss spectrum as well as numbering and addressing harmonisation needs of existing and future M2M applications. In addition, a streaming service could be used by viewers to follow most of the workshop.

The aim of the workshop has been to understand better the spectrum as well as numbering and addressing harmonisation needs of existing and future M2M applications, in one workshop, since related initiatives are present in various fora within the ECC. It is going to enable a general consultation and an exchange of views with the industry. This aim was fulfilled and the workshop could identify a number of spectrum issues and numbering and addressing issues for which the ECC and its working groups will consider the need to work further on it and revise their work programmes as appropriate, for on-going work items as well as new ones.

Workshop presentations, photos, and first results are available on the workshop web-page. The workshop results have been published in an ECC Newsletter.

Opening of the CEPT M2M Workshop, 21-22 March 2016, Mainz, Germany, at the Federal Network Agency

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