
Rx Parameters Study


ECC endorsed in 2008 the Office’s proposal to conduct a pilot study based on the recommendations of ECC Report 127 which would reveal how different choices of receiver requirements in a specific band may give different technical and economic outcomes. The objective was to increase the understanding about the role of receiver parameters in spectrum management, and to quantify to a given extent the technical benefit or disadvantage of having tighter receiver requirements.  A secondary objective was to exercise Impact Assessment in formulating conclusions and recommendations for the ECC’s work. 

The Project was divided into a number of Work Packages (WPs). WP2 ‘Case studies’ defined specific case studies including hypothetical scenarios featuring different alternative parameter values in receiver standards. WP2 created a background for WP3 ‘Impact Assessment’ (IA) and WP4 ‘Conclusions’.

The work carried out under WP2 was focused on the band 863-870 MHz, which is identified in particular for Short Range Devices (SRDs) in CEPT. The sub-band 868.6 to 868.7 MHz was examined since it is used by a limited number of applications. It was decided to consider simple scenarios where the social alarm system (victim) is impacted by interfering applications such as non-specific SRDs. A summary of the receiver (Rx) parameters for the victim system and the transmitter (Tx) parameters for the interferer system has been defined for a number of specific case studies. Various scenarios were defined when assessing the impact of interferer(s) on the victim. The aim of defining these scenarios was to examine different alternative receiver parameters values as given in the relevant ETSI standards.  

The 26th ECC meeting (June, 2010) recommended publishing a pilot study as an ECO Report.

Download ECO Report 02 “The impact of receiver parameters on spectrum management regulations”.




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