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Body and feeder loss in cellular systems

Zeljko Tabakovic 20/12/19 07:56

STG#65 decided to invite stakeholders to discuss about the issues related to the definition and implementation of a body loss and feeder in cellular systems. For the body loss calculation and implementation there are different possibilities available. An approach similar to the clutter and building entry loss implementation may be considered.

This platform is meant to allow the exchange of ideas and opinions, and to facilitate the decision making. The deadline for submitting the contributions to this topic is the March STG#66 meeting.

[member was deleted] 26/12/19 09:09

Hello everyone interested in this topic.

The attachment shows an approach which puts the input parameters of feeder loss and body loss at the top of the 3rd column of the Positioning and Propagation tab of the system panels:


I’d like to point out that it is intended just as food for thought, at best triggering other proposals probably much better suited.


Ralf Schuh 27/01/20 15:57

thanks for the suggestion Karl. for the celular we also need to differ between feeder loss in DL and UL. The reason for this is as often we have LNA colse to the antenna for systems with coax feeders (non-AAS)

Ralf Schuh 29/01/20 22:10

Hello again I was looking further in the suggestion from Karl. I understand now after receiving Emil from Karl that for cellular you have of course separate UL and DL tabs. Now may be one point for the cellular figure you is to make clear on the window that it is for "DL feeder loss" or "UL feeder loss". May be not that important for body loss but for the feeder loss I think we should be very clear on the input widow.

Another point is that this is for FDD bands the feeder loss for non-AAS with coax feeders where the DL and UL will or can have different feeder losses due to LNA at the antenna. For TDD it would be the same feeder loss but that can be said in the text description how the input should be used.

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