
ECC Questionnaires

The ECC uses questionnaires to gather information from Administrations to improve the development of deliverables.

This web page provides access to the current questionnaires within ECC. Replies to the questionnaires are invited from those indicated in the column 'Who should reply'. The replies should be forwarded to the contact person by e-mail by the deadline indicated.

1. Current ECC Questionnaires

Start Group Description Who should reply  ECO contact Deadline
17.06.24 WG FM Questionnaire to CEPT Administrations on their actions against GNSS jamming and GNSS illegal jammers CEPT administrations Robin Donoghue 06.08.2024

2. List of finalised Questionnaires is available here.

ECO contact for ECC Questionnaires related enquiries:

Susanne Have (e-mail: [email protected], Tel: +45 33 89 63 17 )
Anne-Dorthe Hjelm Christensen (e-mail: [email protected], Tel: +45 33 89 63 11 )


Updated: 06 August 2024, 11:24
Due to general maintenance, CEPT portal website will be periodically offline Monday 23rd September between 0800 CEST and 1200 CEST. We apologise for the inconvenience.
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